29 December 2010

2011- 11 Life Changes

  1. I vow to take better care of myself. Inside and out.
  2. I will make myself healthier, I will lose 30lbs before I get married.
  3. I will read at least 50 books this year.
  4. I will train and complete a 5km run.
  5. Spend more time with my friends and family.
  6. Only allow myself one lazy look day a week. Put more effort into getting ready everyday.
  7. Work on complaining less. Try to keep negative comments to myselef.
  8. Spend less time wasting time online.
  9. Finish "Anna Karenina"
  10. Put away laundry as soon as it's done. (Don't leave it in baskets for days)
  11. Enjoy the little things in life, everyday is a new day.

16 November 2010

Day 2

I did it, day 2 of 30 day shred down. Only 28 days to go. I can do it!
I feel good, strong and relaxed.

We had 2 dinner guests tonight, one surprise, one excpected. It was fantastic, roast, mashed potatoes and vegetables. Thank you slow cooker for doing all the work.

J is at band practice, it's snowing and there's an odd quietness to the house.

E came over to visit tonight. It was great to see her, I really miss working out with her every week. She was in town for a haircut and inspired me to book one for myself. In a week my head will be lighter.

I am ready for bed. Good night dear world.

13 November 2010


It looks like this blogging business isn't as easy as it looks.

Life got in the way. I'm finally starting to crawl out of the hole I've been in for the last month and a bit. I was running on empty for the last few weeks and I can honestly say this weekend I am not doing anything. I slept in until 9 (a miracle, 5am was my wakeup time all week). I washed and put on clean pajamas, brewed myself some tea and here I am catching up on all my girly shows. I can't remember the last time I actually watched a tv show on tv at it's scheduled time.

Tomorrow I've got a quick knitting date in the morning and a lovely afternoon coffee date with one of my favorite ladies (who's bringing her little lady). I feel relaxed, happy and for the first time in a long time I'm looking forward. I've been living in the moment, hardly able to think ahead, not able to make plans or get excited about things months away (the wedding for one thing). I feel like I'm in a really good spot in life right now. I work hard but at the end of the day I am rewarded and really feel valued.

Life is good.

22 September 2010


Day 05- A picture of somewhere you’ve been to
Fernie- Mid July. I fell in love with this lake. So beautiful and peaceful, full of little minnows and snakes. I can't wait to go back.

21 September 2010


Day 04- A habit that you wish you didn’t have

I think my worst habit is my at home procrastination. At work I'm always on the ball, I have everything done before the deadline, I love to work. At home it's a totally different story, I would much rather bum around and make excuses. I'm fantastic at being lazy at home.

I think a close second is my late night snack habit. It doesn't matter how hard I try I can't seem to stop for more than a few days. Something literally drags me out of bed in the middle of the night for a drink or a cookie.

This week is sheer madness at work, when I get home I'm exhausted and I can't bring myself to work out or even to eat healthy. Next week is a new week, I'm totally writing this one off.


20 September 2010


Day 03- A picture of you and your friends

Yikes life got in the way and I haven't had a chance to write here in awhile.
Not doing so well with the running. I really got side tracked the last few days. So much work not enough time to do everything.
Tomorrow I'm going to run, I'm going to do some weights and I'm going to eat as healthy as I can.
Wedding countdown - 9 months :)

14 September 2010


Today I did Week 1- Day 2 of the C25K. I really want to try the Running Room's Resolution Run. It's a 5KM run on January 1. If I continue on with the plan I think I should be right on track.

Felt pretty good. I then hopped on the bike for 10 minutes. Now I'm watching a re-run of Being Erica (oh how I love this show).

I had a fairly good day at work today. I spent most of the day in the lab for a change, definitely changes the pace of my day. I may have caused a little tension, for the first time in my working life I really stood up for myself. No need to get into details but I can say I felt good, held my ground and felt confident in a way I never have before. I loved it.

This girl needs to get herself in the shower and off to bed. Morning comes early around here.


Day 02

Day 02- The meaning behind your Blog name

No real meaning, I just liked the sound of it. Just a little of me each day to get you going.

13 September 2010

30 Days of Me - Day 1

I came across this fun little internet game and thought it would be a good way to try out this blogging business. Basically a new little post each day.

Day 01- A recent picture of you and 15 interesting facts about yourself

  1.  I'm marrying my best friend on June 18 and I can't wait.
  2. I always chew my food equally on both sides
  3. I have to have the volume control on an even number
  4. I have had my hair every color of the rainbow at one point or another in my life. I'm pretty sure I'm destined to be a a brunette for the rest of it.
  5.  If I take socks off I will not put them on again, I'll grab a clean pair
  6.  I know I'm my grandma's favorite.
  7. I love to sleep but I'm not very good at it. I have an internal alarm clock, it goes off at 7am every day.
  8. I actually look forward to going into work everyday, it makes me incredibly happy to have a place to go to everyday where I feel important.
  9.  I have picked names for the children I'm not going to have.
  10.  I hold grudges way longer than I should, I may forgive but I never really forget.
  11.  I give off the worst first impressions, truly the worst. I'm really not mean, I don't think highly of myself  I'm really just shy and nervous. Talk to me first and you'll discover the real me.
  12.  I wish I was more girly. I'm terrible at doing hair and makeup.
  13.  Watching other people eat will turn me off of my own food.
  14.  I'm terrible at spontaneity, I'm the biggest planner you'll meet. 
  15. I don't have any hobbies, except reading which isn't a very interesting hobby, kind of lonely.


First entry, I feel like this should be monumental.

Unfortunately it won't be, mostly a summary of my day, a little play by play of what I want this blog to be.

I want this to be a place for me, read by others or not, this is for me by me. I'll be free to say what I feel, post pictures of things that make me smile, daily accountability.

A big part of this blog will be my day to day life, nothing sappy, nothing too emotional just me, honest and uncensored.

I'm getting ready to make a change in my life. I'm going to start focusing on more me and less everyone else.

Here comes the new K, fitter, happier, more productive.